Tuesday, 25 January 2022

My Hero!



As I sync into the typical teeth chattering winters in Nasik, the winds of Niphad carry away my thoughts to the Ramsar wetland site of the Nandur-Madhyameshwar. Although I anxiously wait to witness the local, the migrants, the settled-migrants birds in this wetland, the most exciting site for me is away from the crowd, a long cobra-like swaying neck of the heron. Right there in the aquatic society, it still prefers being alone. Herons are loyal for their life and have single partners (they are monogamous) just like albatross. Their nests are  placed not accessible to the ground predators (on trees) and are built of sticks, creating large platforms up to a metre across. They lay around 2-5 bluish green eggs once in a year, babies are called branchers and both heron parents help turn by turn in incubation and guarding of the eggs, they feed the babies together till it becomes adult. Ma and pa heron equally share their responsibilities and duties towards their family. Usually in the night, neck-curled herons rest on the trees with the family. These otherwise loners are sociable when nesting. Herons are very smart and they outsmart their predators by feeding at a distance from them. They can also wade under water 1 to one and a half feet in search of prey during night. They are very intelligent, highly mobile and migratory. To our eyes, the actual prey capture appears instantaneous but in reality, the heron waits very long in patience and stillness before the actual catch. Here, Heron teaches us the quality of patience, of observing with an enthusiastic eye and creating an opportunity without wasting any moment. Heron mostly symbolizes tranquility, patience and stillness to me. The Bird also signifies beauty and determination for it prospers on the threshold where land and shore exists together. As I keep staring at this peaceful and calm beauty, it gives me the feeling of healing and sacred serenity. In observing the heron I feel motivated to become like one, meditative and still, yet thoughtful.